Please take a moment to answer the survey located at the bottom of this page. We will periodically post questions regarding topics from the discussions in this blog.
If you have any suggestions for questions, or additional comments on the questions asked, please post them here.
The first question is in regards to the preferred model of dietetic/nutrition education. We appreciate your participation!
Thank you,
The iSAD Team
I am surprised that 21% of respondents to date have selected "No internship, on the job training"
Of those people who have selected this option, are you a person who has not completed an internship, or are you a current intern or dietitian?
Just curious.
What I find interesting is that no one has voted for the "competitive internship after undergrad" option... Perhaps iSAD could take these results to the DC, the task force, or others once more votes are in?
There are only 34 votes with 4807 visits to this website, as of the present time. I don't believe there is a sufficient response rate to confidently say the attitudes of the people who voted reflect that of the majority.
If every educator, RD, and student had to take this poll, I wonder what percentage the competitive internship after undergrad would receive.
Are there many people that are really for it?
I think there still needs to be an inquiry into whether there even needs to be internships and if so then interns need to be seen as being on a more level playing field with the RD's.
Perhaps a model where the intern works half days with the RD and half days to do reading/assignments etc - as mentioned by another poster. I doubt RD's are lugging home journals and textbooks at night - they do it during their work hours.
Then I think compensation could be designed around the time that the intern is doing dietitian work.
That would be a win/win/win situation.
If that suggestion were taken - then each RD could take 2 interns at a time and thus double the numbers who could enter the program without shortening the internship!
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