Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We've Come a Long Way

In one month, the iSAD blog and twitter feed have registered:

5200 page views – 183 comments – 80 twitter followers – 47 tweets – 20 posts – 1 poll

The conversation has moved from a sharing of impact statements to a sharing of ideas for improving the current system. Along the way, many misperceptions have been aired out – iSAD blog visitors have enthusiastically informed each other of the realities of being a student, intern, preceptor, coordinator, and educator. Students are not spoiled, entitled brats. Interns work really hard and learn lots. Preceptors lack adequate time to spend with interns. Internship coordinators are feeling pressured by an overwhelming large number of applicants for an underwhelming small number of positions. Educators are facing increasing enrollments and accreditation demands.

The blog has not registered a post or comment explicitly from Dietitians of Canada or the Task Force, although all have been informed of its existence. This is unfortunate. Their voices and representation are missed, but always welcome.

There are clearly issues with the internship system, which we have demarcated as beginning with being a student to completing an internship placement. We have noticed that while blaming individuals was the initial, hurtful response, we can certainly see that people have mostly shifted into identifying structural changes that can enhance the education and training of future members of the dietetics profession.

We have even had calls for renaming the blog. We have considered and discussed this request very carefully. While we acknowledge and applaud a move away from only being “sad,” and towards constructive, collective brainstorming, it is more important to remember that the sadness and hurt is what motivated the blog to be created and what enabled students a safe place to share their feelings – FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! This blog will continue to provide that space for the emotional stories AND will promote constructive and collaborative moves forward. Both can happen without neglecting or diminishing the other. We hope that internshipSeasonalAffectiveDisorder motivates and reminds us to strive for making improvements to the system.

For people who want to RANT, you are welcome to it. Just let it out, spill your feelings. Anonymously. Tell *your* truth. Don't be silent about how the current system has affected YOU and the people that care about you.

For people who want to put forward ideas in support of change – all ideas are worthy of consideration – please feel free to post or comment everywhere else. We will still accept posts from the and from email portals.

We wish this to be a place that registers and promotes an historic change in the way internships are done in Ontario. We are pleased so many of you are bearing witness to these changes. We hope that more of you will feel free to share your stories, your ideas, and your hopes for a better future. We believe this better future is possible and within our grasp. We want to see that future arrive very soon.

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